St. James United
Your Community Church
Online donations are quick, easy and secure
Your donation will be receipted and sent to you in advance of your tax filing deadline. You can log in as member of the church or you can donate as a guest.
Once you select the donation icon you will be transferred to a donation screen. Please donate as a guest or login if you are a church member. In the memo box please mark the donation as a memorial, local, M&S or designate a specific direction and your ADDRESS as noted in the screen sample.
You can also mail send your donation to the office at 3811 Old Sambro Rd,Sambro B3V1G1 or Parkhill United depending on your preference
If you would like a quick way to send money to St James United you can also e-transfer using
Please include your name and address in the message if the money is for a donation or a comment if it is otherwise